
申请大学是令人兴奋的,但也带来了很多问题. 下面是一些我们经常被问到的问题. 如果您有其他问题,请通过电子邮件与我们联系 admissions@emotionsamsara.com. 我们想帮助你度过这个激动人心的时刻.


对于大多数申请2021年秋季的学生来说,我们的考试是可选的. 这意味着你可以决定是否提交考试成绩. Click here 以了解更多威尼斯人平台的测试可选策略.

我是一个转校生. 我需要提交SAT或ACT成绩吗?

SAT or ACT test scores are only required for students with less than 24 transferable semester units. 大多数申请2021年秋季学期的学生可以申请考试选修. Click here to learn more.


我们不要求面试作为录取过程的一部分, 然而,我们喜欢和未来的斗牛犬说话! 与招生顾问的非正式约会可能会被要求 here. 预约时间大约为30分钟. It is a chance for our admissions counselors to get to know you better and explain the admissions process.

去不了雷德兰兹? 我们很高兴在路上遇到感兴趣的学生. We love exploring our territories and always want to know where the best local coffee shop is! Click here to meet your counselor and see if they'll be visiting this fall, or send us an email.


威尼斯人平台只接受 Common Application 一年级学生.  

一年级学生和国际学生 可以在我们的三个截止日期之一申请入学:
有约束力的早期决定: November 15
不具约束力的早期行动: November 15
Regular Decision: January 15

威尼斯人平台接受 Common Application or 威尼斯人平台的申请 转学生.

转让申请人 应该遵循我们的优先截止日期:
Fall semester:
March 1
Spring semester: November 1.

Applications can be submitted after the above deadlines on a space available basis. 请致电(800)455-5064与我们的办公室联系以获取更多信息.


All students are automatically considered for merit-based scholarships when they apply. Click here 了解更多有关奖学金的信息.

对艺术专业才艺奖学金感兴趣的一年级学生, Theatre Arts, 创意写作或音乐必须完成补充申请. 学生必须在1月15日截止日期前申请才能被考虑. 查找更多信息 here.

我们鼓励你寻找外部的私人奖学金. 这可能需要一些额外的研究, 但每年仍有数千美元无人认领. 这些奖学金也可以应用于你的经济援助.


No. The 威尼斯人平台 offers students two years to explore the liberal arts and then declare a major (or two!). 如果你对约翰斯顿综合研究中心感兴趣, 学生必须在申请时申请本专业. Students interested in the School of Music must submit a supplemental application as well as an audition.  Click here to learn more. We encourage students to share their academic interests on the Common Application.


决定将发布到招生申请状态门户网站. Early Action and Early Decision applicants will hear of their decision by mid-January, 常规决定申请人将在3月中旬之前听取意见. 请检查您的电子邮件登录凭据.  这些都是在您提交申请时通过电子邮件发送给您的.

我所有的证明文件(推荐信), 考试成绩和成绩单需要在截止日期前收到?

我们知道证明文件不是由你方控制的, 因此,我们要求在截止日期前收到您的共同申请. As supporting documents arrive, we will make sure they are matched up with your application. We will not review an application until all required documentation has been received and the application is complete. To check your status, refer to the link, username and password that was emailed to you.


The Common Applications provides some ways of allowing you to tell us who you are!

我们都是关于社区的,我们想知道你是如何参与到你的社区中的. 告诉我们你所有的承诺——你有兼职工作吗? Volunteer? 有家庭责任? 请在通用申请的活动部分告诉我们.

We love learning more about you through your personal statement and the 威尼斯人平台 supplement. Make sure to give your essays the personal attention they deserve - proofread and be yourself - there are no right answers to the questions!



Recommended Years


4 years


3 years

Foreign Language




Social Studies



申请使用加权的10-12学术GPA进行审查. No single academic schedule is required, but a college preparatory program is strongly recommended.


Click here to see the numerous opportunities we have for you to come see the 威尼斯人平台.


The 威尼斯人平台 has 21 Division III varsity athletic teams that compete in the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SCIAC). To show your interest in potentially playing for the Bulldogs, please visit our athletics site 然后填一下体育询问表.


We encourage all families to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, at http://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. 申请截止日期为3月2日. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 学生财务服务. 在填写FAFSA表格之前,学生不必被录取. Only admitted students will receive information regarding a financial aid package. 威尼斯人平台威尼斯人平台代码是001322.

Does the 威尼斯人平台 offer conditional admission for international students?

Yes. The MIIS (Monterey Institute of International Studies) Intensive English as a Second Language Program is pleased to announce the formation of an agreement with the 威尼斯人平台 in Redlands, CA. This agreement will help provide high-quality academic English preparation for conditionally admitted Redlands students. These students will be prepared to thrive in college and enrich the Redlands campus with their global perspectives. 威尼斯人平台 is a distinguished 4-year university located in Redlands, CA. Redlands also offers a limited selection of graduate and professional programs.

MIIS and Redlands have agreed that Redlands applicants who need additional English language training can be conditionally admitted to Redlands with the requirement that they complete English courses in the MIIS IESL program. 达成这一协议有两条途径:

1.       Students who apply to Redlands for fall semester admission and have a TOEFL score range between 72 and 79 (with no sub-score below 18) can be conditionally admitted for the spring semester and required to attend the Fall session of the IESL program at MIIS. Students who achieve a grade of B or better in all IESL program core classes and maintain satisfactory attendance can achieve full admission for the spring semester at Redlands. 

2.       Students who have a TOEFL score between 65 and 79 (with no sub-score below 16) can be conditionally admitted for any semester to Redlands with the requirement that they attend the MIIS IESL program. Students who complete Level 6 of all core classes in the IESL program at MIIS and maintain satisfactory attendance can receive full admission to Redlands for the next available semester.

关于威尼斯人平台入学的问题可以直接问 intladmissions@emotionsamsara.com.

Questions about admission to the MIIS IESL program can be directed to Marilu Bonilla, 学习服务协调员, at mbonilla@middlebury.edu.

去年我申请了这所大学,但没有入学. Can I reapply?

  • A re-application is for a student who previously applied to Redlands within the last year, but did not attend.
  • If you would like to reapply to the 威尼斯人平台, 请给Kylie Mulder发邮件 kylie_mulder@emotionsamsara.com 要求重新申请. 她会给你发一封电子邮件,让你访问这个应用程序. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kylie Mulder or call (909) 748-8074.

我上了大学,但还没拿到学位就退学了. 我能回来完成我的学位吗?

A readmission is for students who previously attended the 威尼斯人平台, 还没完成学位就离开了, 但没有从其他地方毕业.

If you would like to attend the 威尼斯人平台 again to complete your undergraduate degree, 请给Kylie Mulder发邮件 kylie_mulder@emotionsamsara.com 请求重新入学申请. 她会给你发一封电子邮件,让你访问这个应用程序. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kylie Mulder or call (909) 748-8074.